Let’s face it: if your stomach is rumbling, you should not be the designated driver of a shopping cart. Although we’ve heard it a million times, a new study showed that participants who were hungry purchased more high-calorie products. Specifically, on average, hungry people purchased 5.7 high-calorie products, while the group that ate before shopping bought 3.9 high-calorie products.
Hungry shoppers not only take a hit at the scale, but being in the mood for food when in the supermarket could also take a toll on your wallet. Growling stomachs think everything looks good and you may wind up purchasing more than you really need.
Before you burst your budget and the button on your pants, here’s how to make food shopping easier on body:
Have a pre-shoping snack.
Whether it’s a yogurt, a handful of almonds or a snack bar, try to grab something fast that lasts. These foods will give you enough energy to get you through the aisles while staving off hunger.
This is a great idea and seems like a no-brainer, Make pre-made snack bags and keep them in the fridge so when you are running out the door you can just grab and go. This keeps you eating healthier, controls portion size, saves money, and also keeps you from buying impulse snacks
Timing is everything.
Researchers at Cornell University highlighted that, Those who shopped between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. bought fewer low-calorie products compared with those who shopped between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. (buying eight products versus 11 products). This underscores the need to have a meal before you walk through those sliding doors.
Don’t leave home without a list.
When you arrive at the grocery store, you can so overwhelmed by the choices that it is easy go home with far more than you intended to buy. This shopping list will remind you of all the ingredients necessary to make the healthy meals you have planned for the week. you don’t want to forget something important and have to make another trip.
It doesn’t matter if you write it on the back of an envelope or enter it into a smartphone app. Carrying a specific shopping list can save you time, money and calories (if you stick to it.)
Chew gum or drink something while shopping.
Although this advice may not have been proven by a scientific study, keeping your mouth busy may keep you from focusing on that empty feeling in your stomach. It will also keep you from the sample table. Many of the big “club” stores now have tempting samples for you at every corner in their food departments. The talent of juggling a tall ice cold green tea while pushing the cart around could also be a valuable skill to keep your hands busy and mind off tempting freebies.
Read it before you eat it!
And hungry or not, It pays to take the time to read the nutritional facts panel on the box or package. Understanding the Nutritional Facts labels found on foods is an important skill when making healthy choices about the food you eat. Some things to consider…
Remember, that you DO NOT want to eat TOO MUCH of the nutrients… Fat, Cholesterol or Sodium. 20% Daily Value or more of Fat, Cholesterol or Sodium for a food is considered HIGH and you should not eat too many foods that are HIGH in Fat, Cholesterol or Sodium.
You DO want to eat foods that are HIGH (20% or more) in…Fiber, Vitamins, and Minerals like Calcium and Iron.
Remember that the % Daily Value listed on the right side of the label is always for ONE serving. make sure you understand how many servings the package contains. Often it can be confusing when a item like a muffin would normally be eaten in one sitting but is listed as two servings. You would then be eating twice the calories, fat and everything else listed as a single serving. The manufactures serving size does not always make sense, so make sure you check before you eat it.