Take a moment to realize that in this moment, you are enough. Loosen regrets about the past. Let go of predictions about the future.
Repeat after me:
One minor slip-up does not a weight loss failure make!
Breathe in all the goodness of you just as you are. Breathe out your frustrations, impatience, and self-criticism
Clarify your values and let them guide you.
- Reflect on your goals for the day. How is what you are doing working towards those goals? Is a shift in focus needed?
- Take time in the morning to envision your eating for the day and make sure you have what you need to make it so.
- Make your eating mindful. Take it slow, focus on the food & the sensations. Keep close track of your hunger.
- Think about how you can fit an hour of movement into your day today
- In what small ways did you move towards your goals today? What might you shift for tomorrow?