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Aftercare & Education

Eating Mindfully After Weight Loss Surgery

While the disappearance of hunger is almost instantaneous after you start eating, the arrival of pleasant fullness takes some time. The less you eat during the time that it takes the stomach to notify your brain that it is full, the less you will overeat. The solution is obvious: slow down

Eating Mindfully After Weight Loss Surgery2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Nurture A Desire to Get Healthy

What You Need to Lose Weight Despite the seemingly endless information out there, losing weight still seems like a mysterious process. We know it's fundamentally about burning more calories than we eat, and most of us have the physical tools we need to make it happen: getting in our workouts and watching our diets. Weight loss, though, is about much more than that.

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Nurture A Desire to Get Healthy2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Commit to Your Exercise Time

Successful weight losers not only commit to exercise each week, they also guard that time fiercely. The more often you show up for your workouts, no matter what you actually do during the workout, the easier it will be to make exercise a habit. These tips will help you make that commitment to exercise

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Commit to Your Exercise Time2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Prepare for Slip-Ups

Most of us will slip up from time to time and those slips can lead to gaining weight. Most of us will be thrown off track by vacations, holidays, business travel, illnesses and life changes. It will happen. People often get frustrated when, just when they get into a solid routine, something happens to throw them off, but that's what life is all about. Sometimes just knowing it will happen can help you relax and deal with it. Some ways you can prepare yourself:

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Prepare for Slip-Ups2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Realize There’s No Quick Fix

Most people know (at least intellectually) that weight loss is a slow process. Due to all of the infomercials and questionable information out there, though, many of us have a secret belief that if we could just find that one diet/exercise/pill, it really would be quick and easy. The truth is you have to exercise and eat well most days of the week to really get where you want to go.

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Realize There’s No Quick Fix2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Create Your Own Motivation

Making plans to exercise is the easy part. Following through takes a different set of skills, and it starts with realizing that you have to create your own motivation. We sometimes wait until we feel like exercising, but how much does anyone feel like exercising at 5:30 a.m.? The key is to find something, anything, that gets you moving.

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Create Your Own Motivation2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Make it Easy to Exercise and Eat Healthy

Losing weight is all about making healthy choices and part of that is making it easier to make those healthy choices. If you schedule a workout in the morning and force yourself to run around trying to pack your gym bag at the last minute, that isn't making exercise easy, is it? And if you promise to eat healthy but realize all you have to eat is a bag of Doritos and a pint of ice cream, how healthy will your next meal be?

Weight Loss Survival Skills – Make it Easy to Exercise and Eat Healthy2016-12-12T22:23:46-08:00

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 5 | Whole Grains

This six week course will guide you to making the small changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with a lifetime. Each week will focus on a lesson, quiz and assignment to put it into action.

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 5 | Whole Grains2016-12-12T22:23:47-08:00

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 4 | Choosing Fats

This six week course will guide you to making the small changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with a lifetime. Each week will focus on a lesson, quiz and assignment to put it into action.

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 4 | Choosing Fats2016-12-12T22:23:47-08:00

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 3 | Fruits and Veggies

This six week course will guide you to making the small changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with a lifetime. Each week will focus on a lesson, quiz and assignment to put it into action. This is a great way to get started on your weight management plan or if you have gone off track and need a good foundation to start from again.

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 3 | Fruits and Veggies2016-12-12T22:23:47-08:00

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 2 | Slash the Sugar

This six week course will guide you to making the small changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with a lifetime. Each week will focus on a lesson, quiz and assignment to put it into action. This is a great way to get started on your weight management plan or if you have gone off track and need a good foundation to start from again.

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet | Week 2 | Slash the Sugar2016-12-12T22:23:47-08:00

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet Course | Week 1

This six week course will guide you to making the small changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with a lifetime. Each week will focus on a lesson, quiz and assignment to put it into action. This is a great way to get started on your weight management plan or if you have gone off track and need a good foundation to start from again

Six Weeks to a Healthy Diet Course | Week 12016-12-12T22:23:47-08:00
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