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Aftercare & Education

Practice Mindful Eating – Questions to Ask Yourself Before Eating

Between meetings, appointments, work deadlines, errands, family obligations, and trips to the gym, our lives can be so busy that we fill our bellies with the quickest, easiest bites we can get our hands on. Mindful eating is slow, giving yourself time to really taste and feel the food. Take the time & really savor what you are eating. Pause before you take your first bite and ask yourself these four important questions.

Practice Mindful Eating – Questions to Ask Yourself Before Eating2016-12-12T22:23:41-08:00

Lose the Weight Loss Tunnel Vision

When you’re on the road to weight loss, you tend to suffer from tunnel vision. You tend to be focused almost exclusively on how you’ll feel when you’ve lost the weight, when you can go back to eating “like normal,” and just how much more spectacular your life will be. But…

Lose the Weight Loss Tunnel Vision2016-12-12T22:23:41-08:00

Stop Putting Off Losing Weight

Why do we typically put off losing weight when we know will improve our lives? Understanding the reasons why weight loss is put off can help overcome all obstacles standing in the way.

Stop Putting Off Losing Weight2016-12-12T22:23:41-08:00

Healthy Eating With Diabetes

Most people with diabetes have learned that what they choose to eat and drink can help raise or lower their blood sugar levels after meals. Aiming for a healthy balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in your meals can help you manage your blood sugars. See which foods you should choose if you have diabetes?

Healthy Eating With Diabetes2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

A New Set of Eyes

By making the choice to be banded, we made a commitment to a healthier life. But the health of our body is greatly influenced by the mind. Therefore it is equally important to take care of the spirit

A New Set of Eyes2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

My Scale is a liar

Before you let your motivation fissile out from a unexpected gain. Know your numbers, do the math! if something doesn't seem right. Do some detective work by using your food journal. Remember weight loss is a math problem. It's up to you to solve it.

My Scale is a liar2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

Build Success by Appreciating your Progress

Losing weight means your self-image is in flux, how your body is changing often reflects how you feel on the inside. No matter where you are on your journey, it’s actually not hard to make slight adjustments in your behavior and thinking to help you to feel skinnier, and therefore more successful and motivated. Feeling good helps keep you on track, so feeling good is incredibly important. The skinnier you feel, the less you’re interested in temptation.

Build Success by Appreciating your Progress2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

Healthy Eating Resolutions you can keep

We all know that changing our habits to more healthy ones is our goal that leads to our weight loss success, Right! But how do we get it going and keep it going? That seems to be the big issue. Let’s start with what exactly are the things that need changing or adjusting. Yes, that means writing it down. Make it real! Challenge yourself for real changes you can put into action, not lofty ideas that you know you can’t maintain. What are the baby steps to real change? Try these healthy eating resolutions that you can maintain all year.

Healthy Eating Resolutions you can keep2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

10 Lap Band Rules for successful weight loss

The 10 lap band rules were established to guide patients to the eating and behavior modification that is necessary for the care and function of the Lap Band to aid in weight loss and weight management. Sort of like your cars ownership manual helps you to care and maintain proper use of your vehicle. The 10 Lap Band Rules for the most part are common sense practices to healthier eating, and are a good set of guidelines for everyone, not just Lap Band patients. But for patients that have had Lap Band Surgery it is especially important to follow these rules to prevent complications.

10 Lap Band Rules for successful weight loss2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

How to Schedule a Fill Appointment with Dr. Kuri

When you became a patient of Dr. Kuri, you are considered a patient for life! One of the special rewards of Dr. Kuri's practice is to keep in touch with his patients and share in their success after surgery. In an effort to relieve some of the burden of cost involved in his patients returning back to see him, he offers his patients free fills for his services for life. This also allows the patient to ask questions and be reevaluated if necessary. When returning to Mexico for your Lap Band Adjustments (fills) these tips will help you set your appointment and plan your trip.

How to Schedule a Fill Appointment with Dr. Kuri2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

What is a Lap-Band Adjustment (Fill) and How is it Done?

An adjustment, or ”fill” as it is more commonly referred to, is adding fluid to the band around your stomach. This adjustment tightens the band and makes the opening between the upper and lower portions of the stomach more narrow so less food will go through. Find out more about Lap Band Adjustments (fills) and how they are done.

What is a Lap-Band Adjustment (Fill) and How is it Done?2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00

Is Your Band too Loose, too Tight or Just Right?

Like Goldie Locks exploring the three bear’s house, do you find yourself wondering if your band is too loose, too tight, or just right? Do you feel sometimes like the perfect fill level can sometimes be a bit confusing? Well, you are not alone. When you consider all the different things that can influence how your band will feel, unraveling the mysteries can be a challenge.

Is Your Band too Loose, too Tight or Just Right?2016-12-12T22:23:42-08:00
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