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Aftercare & Education

Plan – Prepare – Enjoy -Sticking to Your Healthy Meal Plans for the Week

a healthy diet does wonders for our mind and body. It should be simple, right? All you need to do is eat some vegetables and fruit, maybe throw in some greens and voilà, you’re a healthy human being. Not quite. The problem typically comes from our tendency to deviate from our healthy diets and downward spiral into fast food oblivion. Oftentimes, our healthy weekly meal plans go by the wayside as the week progresses. This can happen for a number of reasons, but you shouldn’t quit because you’ve cheated or lost momentum. Your old habits of junk food and convenience food may not disappear immediately, but with some tenacity and clever planning you’ll be able to re-route your meals into the proper direction. Here are some good tips to help you along the way:

Plan – Prepare – Enjoy -Sticking to Your Healthy Meal Plans for the Week2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

Guilt Free Snacking After Weight Loss Surgery

Successful Lap Band and Gastric sleeve patients keep their meal portions small. The right snack can help you fill in the nutritional gaps in your diet between your main meals and can help keep your hunger and cravings from getting the upper hand. But it is important to know the difference between a "treat" that is a once in a while indulgence, and a "snack" that can be added to a healthy diet twice a day. Below is a few examples of simple guilt-free ways to stay happy and full between meals

Guilt Free Snacking After Weight Loss Surgery2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

Tips for Smart Snacking after Weight Loss Surgery

Enjoying a healthy snack at least twice a day can help stabilize your blood sugar, curb hunger and fight cravings for unhealthy food. To avoid getting so famished that you'll be tempted to overeat at mealtime, plan to have a snack in the mid-morning and again in the mid-afternoon. Make your snacks count by following these tips:

Tips for Smart Snacking after Weight Loss Surgery2016-12-12T22:23:29-08:00

Say Goodbye to those Pesky Holiday Pounds with these Weight-Loss Tactics

First came the trick-or-treat candy fest, then gobbles of turkey and sides, and finally the heaps of holiday cookies. While a festive holiday season left us all with wonderful memories, it also left behind some pesky pounds. And chances are, the New Year brought with it a resolution to shed the holiday pounds! The goal may seem daunting, but there are a handful of tried-and-true tricks that have a track record of helping shave off pounds and keep them off. Try these 6 habits of successful dieters to stick with your resolution and accomplish your goal.

Say Goodbye to those Pesky Holiday Pounds with these Weight-Loss Tactics2016-12-12T22:23:29-08:00

This Is Your Brain On Food Cravings

The Truth About Food Cravings Craving a big, fluffy hunk of warm bread does not mean your body is deprived of grains. Food cravings have little to do with nutrients and plenty to do with the brain chemistry of pleasure and reward. Cravings may center on texture (creamy, crunchy) or taste (sweet, salty) but they all have something in common -- overindulging can sabotage your diet.

This Is Your Brain On Food Cravings2016-12-12T22:23:29-08:00

Practical Approach to Weight Management | Portion Distortion

Practical Approach to Weight Management | Portion Distortion Dr. Kuri's Patient Education Coordinator Gena Brown Talks About controlling portions and how to set up the perfect Lap Band diet plan. Part 6 of 7 | Dr Kuri & Associates Patient Education | Gena Brown's Practical Approach to Weight Management filmed during the 2010 Bandster Bash at the Marriott Hotel TJ Mexico.

Practical Approach to Weight Management | Portion Distortion2016-12-12T22:23:29-08:00

The Sugar Rush – Why It Can Be Tough To Kick The Habit

Like Pooh Bear and the honey jar, sweet treats are the comfort food of choice for most of us. It is possible that we have had powerful incentives set up since childhood that we unconsciously associate sugar as love or reward. Breaking free of sugar could very well be one of the toughest things you ever do. Find out how...

The Sugar Rush – Why It Can Be Tough To Kick The Habit2016-12-12T22:23:30-08:00
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