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Diet & Nutrition 6 Vegan Habits Everyone Should Adopt (Without Giving Up Meat)

Vegan Tips for Carnivores? For meat-lovers, “vegan” may be a dirty five-letter-word – but we all have to admit that those following a vegan diet tend to have a smart approach to eating, filling their carts with fresh produce and possessing a strong awareness of what they’re putting on their plates. While the diet may be too extreme for many, there are some sensible, healthy vegan habits that we all should be copying – carnivores included. Leave the meat on your plate, but take these six other veg-friendly tips to heart.

Diet & Nutrition 6 Vegan Habits Everyone Should Adopt (Without Giving Up Meat)2016-12-12T22:23:27-08:00

Make Time for Healthy Habits

Oftentimes, you have to cut back on certain activities to create time for others. But when it comes to your health, you shouldn’t have to make concessions. But you can make both happen, even when things get hectic. With a little strategizing, you can fit both fitness and healthy, home-cooked meals into your day.

Make Time for Healthy Habits2016-12-12T22:23:27-08:00

Beyond The Scale – Motivating Ways to Measure Your Progress

Once you determine what your real goals are, you may need more then just the number on your bathroom scale to measure how close you are moving in the right direction to your real goals. A scale doesn’t measure how strong you’re getting, how much better you feel, or if you can play hide-and-seek for hours. The number of pounds we have in our body usually has nothing to do with what we actually want, making your weight on that scale a less accurate performance indicator. Here are some better ones:

Beyond The Scale – Motivating Ways to Measure Your Progress2016-12-12T22:23:27-08:00

Mindful Eating for the Beginner

Do you eat your breakfast while navigating morning traffic, snack in front of the T.V. or desktop dine in front of your computer? Most of us would have to plead guilty to at least one of the above. A study released in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that distracted eating could increase the amount you eat by an average of 10%. It may also make you eat up to 25% more at your next meal. You’re eating but you’re not reaping the benefits of satiety as you would after eating a meal mindfully.

Mindful Eating for the Beginner2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

Fun Ways To Burn 150 Calories

Every fitness activity, such as walking or jogging, burns calories, but some burn more per minute than others. And the more intense the pace, regardless of the activity, the faster you’ll burn those calories. Finally, your burn rate is affected by your weight — the more you weigh, the more you’ll burn in the same amount of time. Here are popular fitness activity choices and the average amount of time it takes a person weighing 150 pounds to burn 150 calories.

Fun Ways To Burn 150 Calories2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

Has Your Weight Loss Stalled Out?

Your body after Lap Band Surgery and eating a low carb. diet is like a well-oiled machine. The weight starts falling off and your body is running like a sports car—but what happens if that car stalls? For some reason, every once in awhile your weight loss seems to slow or stall. And that is frustrating, especially if your weight loss goal is closer than it has ever been, but now you have hit your very first plateau?

Has Your Weight Loss Stalled Out?2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

Odd Things That Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss

It’s no secret that taking a months-long hiatus from the gym or indulging in dessert night after night can cause pounds to creep on. But many other less obvious things — from what time you go to sleep to how often you multitask — can impact your weight too. New science says that your bedtime, your work agenda, and even the temperature of your house may be to blame. You may be thinking you are doing everything right for weight loss, but habits that you’ve never even thought of may be unwittingly sabotaging your efforts. Pay attention to these shockingly sneaky weight-loss saboteurs.

Odd Things That Can Sabotage Your Weight Loss2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00

How Will I Know If My Lap Band Is Adjusted Too Tight?

One of the advantages of the Lap Band is the ability to adjust the band as weight loss continues or circumstances in our life changes. The ability to know when an adjustment is needed is a skill that can take some trial and error to master. Keeping a band too tight can reduce the effectiveness of the band and may lead to complications and possible loss of your Lap Band. We recommend that patients do a quarterly self assessment to make sure their band is adjusted properly.

How Will I Know If My Lap Band Is Adjusted Too Tight?2016-12-12T22:23:28-08:00
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