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News & Press Releases

News & Press Releases2016-12-12T22:23:16-08:00

Mariah Carey shows off figure months after “Gastric Sleeve Surgery”

In late 2016, she revealed her diet of Norwegian smoked salmon and capers.  And Mariah Carey certainly is still looking like the catch of the day. The 47-year-old singer looked in absolutely incredible shape [...]

Thursday, March 8, 2018|

Walt C | Lost 80 lbs with Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Over the years, I have tried to lose weight with Weight Watchers, South Beach Diet, and many others.  Any weight I lost would slowly be regained, along with additional pounds.  As I turned 70, [...]

Wednesday, December 20, 2017|

Don’t Put Off Weight Loss Until You’re “Morbidly Obese”, Study Finds

A new research study found that patients who underwent weight loss surgery before they gained enough weight to be deemed as “morbidly obese” achieved better results after surgery in comparison to heavier patients. Patients [...]

Thursday, September 7, 2017|

Lap-Band Revision Surgery involves removal of the Lap Band and Conversion to Sleeve Gastrectomy

Lap-Band Revision Surgery Lap-Band Revision Surgery involves removal of the Lap Band and Conversion to Sleeve Gastrectomy The majority of our Lap-Band ® patients have experienced successful weight loss with the Lap-Band gradually over [...]

Friday, June 9, 2017|

“Teacher of the Year” loses 270 lbs after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

CNN - "Gosh, I wanna be that guy again," Jeff Baxter would think when he remembered how it felt to be in shape. The 66-year-old teacher wasn't exactly accustomed to the extra pounds he was [...]

Tuesday, April 11, 2017|

Overweight Individuals with Diabetes Can Reduce Health Risks with Lap-Band Surgery, New Study Finds

Diabetes is a risky disease which if not kept in check leads to many health problems and eventually death. Doctors and researchers have found that there has been a significant rise in the number of [...]

Thursday, March 2, 2017|

Study finds Lap-Band Surgery beneficial for extremely obese teens

Lap band surgery has significant benefits for severely obese teenagers and, despite its controversial nature, should still be considered as a first option to manage obesity during adolescence, a new study has found. A new [...]

Friday, February 3, 2017|
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